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Dr Nicole Gehl Nicole’s Top 5 Mindfulness Tips:
“Buddhists have practiced mindfulness
meditation for more than 3,000 years, but 1. Create a mindful space – it’s helpful to declutter your physical space before you
only in recent decades has it been brought to start to declutter your mind. Find a quiet place free from distractions. Nowhere that
a wider audience. is too dark as you may fall asleep! You can use a yoga mat, meditation cushion or high
backed chair for sitting, whatever is the most comfortable for you. You’ll need a timer, a
Today, Mindfulness is recognized by the do not disturb sign and candles if you enjoy them. Turn your phone off!
NICE guidelines (national institute for health
care excellence) as an effective means of 2. Don’t wait for the perfect moment to meditate. Start small…
reducing psychological and physiological Try 5 minutes a day for a week, and then increase or decrease your meditation time
stress. Research has shown the benefits of as you see fit. Make it work with your lifestyle, there is no right or wrong way of doing
establishing a regular mindfulness practice it. Even taking 3 mindful breaths at home, walking or before arriving at work can
include relief from symptoms of depression benefit you.
and anxiety, a boost to the immune system,
improved sleep, concentration, and physical 3. Mind your posture, keeping your body relaxed but alert. Hold your back erect, and
stamina. Molecular Biologist Kabat-Zinn feel your spine and neck elongating. Rest your palms gently on your lap facing upwards.
defines mindfulness as: “paying attention on purpose, in the present moment and non- Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth as a reminder to keep your head
judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment.” With open, evenly upright and half smile.
hovering attention, one experiences reality moment by moment. There is no good or
bad, right or wrong, only acceptance of what is present. 4. Breathe from your diaphragm. It’s the best way to anchor ourselves to the
moment, connecting body and mind.
Sounds simple right? That’s just the paradox, something so simple can often be so
challenging at the same time. Why colouring? On the surface the idea may seem perhaps 5. Be here now. Your mind is like the ocean. Your thoughts, feelings and inner-
silly or childish. Colouring, in fact, has great therapeutic potential because it’s: narratives drift, dance and fight like the waves. They rise and fall, but underneath the
waters are always still. Waves however chaotic do not trouble the ocean. Imagine
• Tactile and creative, but not draining yourself as a diver, impartially observing thoughts from the ocean floor.
• Process driven rather than outcome driven
• Focused on repetitive motion, so our breathing regulates and adrenaline
and cortisol production is lowered. ABOUT DR.NICOLE GEHL*
• Especially good for those of us who struggle with other forms of meditation; Dr Nicole Gehl has been practicing as an existential psychotherapist for over a
if we have difficulty sitting still or experience boredom or restlessness. decade, and has specialist training in mindfulness based cognitive behavioural therapy.
She spent her formative years on the island of Antigua, and is passionate about the
My simple suggestions in your Caribbean Colour Me Calm book will allow you to restorative qualities of the ocean, the outdoors and nature. Her private practice is
begin simple mindful habits that will carry you calmly home and beyond your time on based in London.
the beach”
*B.A., PGDip CBTcyp, M.A., J.D., Adv.Dip.Ex.Psych, DProf. BABCP, MBACP (Accred), UKCP registered